Webinars: visual storytelling 2
About the project
Forhanna has partnered with visual story editor/curator Marc Prüst to develop a comprehensive series of webinars that provide photographers the tools they need to professionalise their projects and visual narratives.
This series of webinars (currently 16) focusses on the photobook as a narrative medium and is part of the ‘Tell your story’-program. More on Tell your story.
All music compositions in the webinars were created by Arend Bouwmeester
“How do you tell visual stories in photobooks?”
Order in Chaos
This edition looks at seven books that each show conflict, and we discuss how the photographers created order in the chaos of conflict around them to tell their story.
This edition of the webinar series on visual stories in photobooks looks at the concept of the ‘hero’ and how it can be depicted in photographic publications. We look not only at three photobooks but also at two historical magazine publications.
The family album
World Press Photo Story of the year

World Press Photo announced the winners of its annual competition on the 14th of April. In this webinar we look at the winners of the World Press Photo Picture and the World Press Photo Story of the Year, we discuss the visual structure of the winning images, and look at how the narration of the story is constructed.
Join the Forhanna Community and watch all webinars for free
Future webinars will provide more in-depth information for photographers looking to link a business model to their project.
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This includes for example free access to the annual Willem Poelstra lecture (learn more about this).
Limitation as opportunity

Regained urgency
Now that most people are being forced to spend more time at home to we hear of a dramatic increase of domestic violence. In this new situation, old stories that deal with this subject are even more urgent than before. In this lecture I look at how projects can regain their urgency.
Featuring works by Arianna Sanesi and Donna Ferrato.
Effects of a new reality
Visual Story Formats 2

In this lecture Marc shows more books and includes the investigation, the continuous story and a combination of typology and narrative as ways to visually create stories.
Visual Story Formats 1

These programs have been made possible by