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The Merge – Scenes from a Simulated Reality

by Sara Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen and Tobias Selnaes Markussen

The Merge projectimage

About the project

In their ongoing project The Merge, the Danish photographers collective Sara Galbiati (1981), Peter Helles Eriksen (1984) and Tobias Selnaes Markussen (1982) explores developments in artificial intelligence and robotics, and visually interprets the possibility that we are already living inside a computer simulation.

They made the chapter ‘Scenes from a Simulated Reality’ exclusively for Forhanna, a futuristic worst-case-scenario that challenges the viewer to look into a future where man and machine merge.

The project was on display at the photography Biennale BredaPhoto, which was held from 5 September till 21 October 2018 in Breda, The Netherlands.

“a futuristic worst-case-scenario that challenges the viewer to look into a future where man and machine merge.”

More about the project

Marc Prüst's doctoral research at the University of Groningen focuses on the transition within the entire visual economic industry, aiming to clarify how economic value relates to social value. Developing this understanding requires a historical perspective on the economic infrastructure of non-fiction photography, the current state of this media economy, and the role and position of both professional photographers working in various fields and institutions such as galleries, museums, publishers, agencies, funds, interest groups, etc.

The results of this research will be practically translated into an annual publication, public events, and potentially webinars. Forhanna focuses on a small part of the whole, autonomous narrative photography, but deems it necessary to support Prüst in his research that benefits the entire sector. It aligns with Forhanna's mission to recognize the importance of this project, as it can provide essential insights to creators and involved parties about the structure of the photographic industry, how to act professionally within it, and gain new perspectives on possible future developments.

Project images

About the photographers

Sara Galbiati, Peter Helles Eriksen and Tobias Selnaes Markussen

Peter Helles Eriksen (1984), Sara Brincher Galbiati (1981) and Tobias Selnaes Markussen (1982) are a photographers collective based in Copenhagen, Denmark. They joined forces in 2015, and had their first joint international exhibition a year later at Rencontres d’Arles 2016, where they released the book Phenomena.

They are represented by East Wing Galery (Dubai). In 2018, they were awarded the BJP International Photography Award.

Project updates

What Forhanna did

type of support: Finance & Production grant

In November 2017, Forhanna awarded Sara, Peter & Tobias a working grant to make an exclusive exhibition for the international photography biennale BredaPhoto. An open call was released in mid 2017. 

Over 60 photographers submitted their projects. A jury of representatives from BredaPhoto and Forhanna selected the works.